Thursday 24 March 2011

"I'm off to the big city"

Hello Lovelies,

Next Wednesday as i mentioned in my pervious post I Need More Hours In a Day i am heading off to Melbourne and i want to find a few shops and need YOUR help! 

Firstly i need to find a material shop that has really stylish material is high quality and isn't too pricey. Through a company that i will hopefully be able to ring up and order material and get it sent to me (in QLD). I also I need to find a great beading shop with lovely semi precious pendants and obviously beads.  Of course while i am there i will have to try a lot of the wonderful food and restaurant's Melbourne has to offer, so also let me know some of your favorite places to eat. Last but defiantly not least lots of fashion, the town i live in doesn't have the best shopping so i need to spend up big time!

Please comment with any suggestions and i will defiantly check them out. I have the worst memory so there will probably be another post like this with more things i want to find! But for now have a good evening. 

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  1. Cool blog! Sorry can't help you. I've never been to Melbourne. Hope you will post the hotspots for us!


  2. Lovely blog!!!I would like to help you, but unfortunately I've never been to Melbourne...
